Diary of a bleeding villain – Part 1

You’ve probably seen one of those movies. A character you like endures so much suffering, or meets their death in a way you did not enjoy. You suddenly feel tears gathering under your eyes uninvited and getting ready to roll without your permission. Then it turns out it's not at all over even after the... Continue Reading →

Still Silence

You are known of the world by how you talk Because your Talking Walks You are judged of the world by how you walk Because your Walking Talks When you talk like you know all about Him And you walk like you've never heard of Him You only call out the world to have Him... Continue Reading →


Not in the Minds that sought to ask why Nor in the Hearts that cared to find how Not in the Eyes that craved to see light Nor in the Ears that yearned to hear truth Lie hollow rocks uncrushed Empty stones made only out of easy talks For talking walks but walking talks better... Continue Reading →

Apology overrated ?

It feels great! doesn’t it? I mean the part where you both say “I’m sorry” to each other after a heated argument. There is a sudden calm feeling. Sometimes a peaceful silence followed by a big cozy hug. The wind has now ceased, the waters are calm, and tranquility has been restored like there was... Continue Reading →

Why everyone hates you?

Could everyone really hate you? You wouldn’t flatter yourself so much, would you? Obviously, it can’t be all of us out here hating on one. Unless, of course, you are somehow deserving of the credit for whoever convinced George Clooney that Batman would be a great idea. But you certainly have been in places where... Continue Reading →

When you hear the big rumor

Ever heard the rumor? What did you think? Everyone we've met has a story in our minds. They never tell them to us themselves. We write them ourselves by how our minds interpret everything we've known and everything we've heard or observed of them. We are forming stories all the time about people. We’re deciding... Continue Reading →

What’s in a Face – Part 1

What’s in face? Is a face simply just a face, whether masked, painted, Snapchat filtered or plain? Or could there be more going on than what is seen? The never-ending conversation about makeup is one full of strong opinions, biased judgments, and sometimes self-contradictions. Almost no one presumes to have those magic answers to finally... Continue Reading →

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